Microcosm- Macrocosm

It is the presence and the perfect balance of five elements namely, earth, water, fire, ether and air that has given birth to the environment that supports life on Earth. Every matter, living or dead present in this ecosystem is made of these five elements. As such our bodies are also made of these five elements.
As I mentioned earlier, ‘with the knowledge of microcosm- macrocosm can be known’ or, 'all that is outside of us is also inside of us'- Yat pinde... tat brahmande’. And if we consider it a hypothesis, it can be said that all the problems that we have outside in the world are the manifestation of the problems that we have inside of us. The real-time disasters like contamination of land, water, air, and ether are the perfect examples of this notion.

” It is because we are contaminated inside, that our environment is contaminated”. 
Contamination of the environment is a human act while the sacredness of the elements remains intact. The sacred elements that have given birth to life and beings also suggest the sacredness of the whole ecosystem and the beings that dwell here. In order to explore the idea of identity, I suggest to begin with the “self” that is visible- i.e. the body...the amalgamation of five sacred elements…

The reason behind sharing the above idea is to pick a direction(from gross to eventually subtle) to seek, meditate and explore the idea of "self" and to prepare the ground for the experiments that shall eventually come up during the quest.


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