A tiny particle of dust

Talking about existence…we talked about the reason why we have life on this tiny dot called earth in this vast universe (refer blogpost- Microcosm-Macrocosm). What is manifesting through the amalgamation of these five elements on this planet is perhaps divinity, auspiciousness…a miracle or maybe just “love”. 
I want to remind again of the image I have shared in one of my blog posts (A Reminder) of the Earth that was taken by spacecraft Voyager1 in the year 1990 February 14 while it was crossing Saturn…perhaps no better image than this can explain the equation of love that is manifesting on this tiny particle of dust suspended in a sunbeam, so intense and beyond all kind of human understanding.
    The Pale Blue Dot
Addressing human attention dwelling in religion, politics and all kinds of the man-made complicated world... here I want to highlight the world that is- as it is given to us by this force called life- manifesting miraculously on this tiny fragment. So small is this particle of dust and so big is the ego of humans…a being so tiny on this tiny particle of dust…
Talking about ego, I came across this theory during my quest where it is mentioned that the fontanel bone of a toddler starts getting calcified as soon as he/she starts developing an ego. i. e. an ingredient that disrupts the witness state of the being (child) and disconnects it from the sacred connection with the forces of nature, hence, starting a never-ending story of identity crisis…I will take this theory as one of the reference points in my quest that I wish might interest other seekers as well. 
I shall soon be sharing my next milestone in this experimentation- A community-based project in the series- “Swarth”. I call this as the ‘seeding stage’ of the experiment as we are seeding an idea- a quest while creating a visual. 


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