The fontanel bone theory
Although, I have always wanted to make my blog posts as simple as possible as I am much associated with young seekers (children) and want them to understand and be involved in the journey together with me. However, today I wished to introduce some basics of this meta-science that I have been referring to, time and again in my narration. Some parts of it might sound complicated to a few; however, to me, it seems important at this point of time to introduce this ancient Indian knowledge in small bits and parts that would eventually build up to a more clear understanding of the journey and the process. Highlighting the fontanel bone theory mentioned in the book Meta Modern Era written by H. H. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, the theory explains that how a human fetus before showing the signs of life inside the womb has a brain and the spinal cord as its basic body structure in its early stages of development…and this is when the cosmic rays enter the brain through the fontanel area ...