The fontanel bone theory

Although, I have always wanted to make my blog posts as simple as possible as I am much associated with young seekers (children) and want them to understand and be involved in the journey together with me. However, today I wished to introduce some basics of this meta-science that I have been referring to, time and again in my narration. Some parts of it might sound complicated to a few; however, to me, it seems important at this point of time to introduce this ancient Indian knowledge in small bits and parts that would eventually build up to a more clear understanding of the journey and the process. 
Highlighting the fontanel bone theory mentioned in the book Meta Modern Era written by H. H. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, the theory explains that how a human fetus before showing the signs of life inside the womb has a brain and the spinal cord as its basic body structure in its early stages of development…and this is when the cosmic rays enter the brain through the fontanel area resulting into formation of a subtle system. In her own words:  
The Divine energy ‘A’ flows through the brain, to begin with when the fetus is formed. The human brain is like a prism with an apex, while an animal brain is flatter in shape. The divine energy goes into refraction due to the double layer of the brain and goes out as ‘R’ energy, crossing each other. The part of ‘R’ the resultant is sucked as ‘X’ in the Nervous System and remaining ‘Y’ energy goes out of the brain. This ‘Y’ energy is the one that reacts to everything, creating ego and superego (conditioning) balloons. They cover the limbic area and create the bubbles of thoughts in the mind, which control us with thoughts- keeping reality beyond the mind.

The theory answers a lot of queries about how a false ego and a lost sense of belonging is developed in a being and how the conscious tend to go outward instead of going inwards. Further, the theory says that as a small baby until the toddler stage is still aware of his pure ‘self’ as well as his connection to the forces of nature that are responsible for giving him birth (the reason for his natural witness state). And that as the child grows and responds to his upbringing and the environment, he starts developing ego and conditionings. Eventually, his fontanel bone starts getting calcified followed by a gradual disconnection with the energy- consolidating the illusion of false identity and distorted ideas about 'self'. Therefore we can say that to restore our sense of existence and co-existence, there's certainly a lot that needs to be discovered by searching inwards, by connecting with the roots and at the same time it is also important to follow the natural process...i.e. the process that is responsible for the sprouting of seeds, blossoming of flowers and turning flowers into fruits and so on…and this natural process is what might be called 'the process of evolution'.


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