Lines and existence
Part of my work in progress
Just as nature follows a pattern and also unfollows. As if the pattern is a routine and randomness and spontaneity is what makes it all alive. Just like life is an assemblage of many things done and undone…and many things are undone after done. The same way a painting is a journey of doing and undoing…learning and unlearning. Just like many visuals that cross our eyes and while some get registered in the memory whereas some cross unregistered. Like many memories we lived…we remember some in clarity, but some just leave a faint stain. Well, that is what is the amalgamation of experiences of the state of being alive and being aware of existence.
The patches of lines in order on my canvas forming a clear pattern maybe shows my syncing with the energies of nature when it follows a pattern and a series of broken lines are maybe the manifestation of the dynamics that goes on while life and order are being created every day. Just like through connection with the earth, one can breathe with life and the elements. The lines connect me with the elements of my existence…the still life and objects that I use or see in my routine…since routine is how I spend my day. A series of many rituals with dynamics and interconnections of many happenings that go on around…the various elements on my canvas are my natural expression of connection with existence. Just like the earth...who follows a routine, combines with fire, water, air, and ether…and becomes a contributor in manifesting life and existence.
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